
On May 18, 1963, at the Corinthian Baptist Church, 500 Eye Street, N.W., Washington, DC, a meeting was called for the purpose of organizing a Mission.  Twenty-three persons were present.  This body of believers included Rev. C.C. Hayes, Mrs. Anne Hayes, Mr. Roy Dixon, Mrs. Olivia Dixon, Mrs. Ida Lee, Mrs. Catherine Hatcher, Mrs. Isabelle Ryans, Mrs. Ruth E. Ward, Mrs. Mable Bell, Mr. George Hayes, Constance McLean, Miss. Catherine Warren, Mrs. Marie Ross, Mr. Morris Johnson, Mrs. Henrietta Reynolds, Mrs. Agnes Jones, Mrs. Bernice Johnson and Deacon Roy Hayes.  The Mission met each week for worship service and fellowship during May and June.  Seven new members joined the Mission:  Mrs. Valerie Newborn, Miss. Linda Kinard, Mr. Michael McLean, and Mr. Benny Ferguson joined by Baptism; and Mrs. Betty Sims, Mrs. Helen Chandler, and Mrs. Yvonne Williams joined by Christian Experience.  These seven members represent the Charter of this great church.  It was with their motions and affiliation that we were organized.  

The Lord blessed us tremendously and in the fall of 1963, Saint Charles worshipped at 1312 Eleventh Street, NW, where we remained for two years.   In 1965, Pastor Hayes had the insight to purchase the site at 4410 Georgia Avenue, NW.  Much renovation was needed, but through love, fellowship, workmanship, cooperation and the grace of God, the edifice was made ready for service.

On February 3, 1979, our building was destroyed by fire.  As we watched the flames, Pastor Hayes stated with much emotion, “Well, our building is destroyed, but the Church is intact.”  We have many seasons in our lives, and the road would be rough.

Joy came again on October 22, 1982, when the “New” St. Charles Baptist Church was completed.  The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was followed by a two-week Dedicatorial Service in which we gave the Thanks to God for the triumph we were enjoying.  

Rev. Hayes retired as Pastor of the church in 1995, and he passed on April 4, 1997.  Rev. Hayes was a great leader.  In the midst of our trials, he remained calm and steadfast, ever looking to God for guidance as he lived and stated his motto, “With God, All Things Are Possible.”

Mrs. Anne Hayes, who was First Lady of St. Charles, worked untiringly, whenever and wherever she was needed.  She was constantly by the Pastor’s side assisting and encouraging him to carry out his dreams for the church.  She added her strength and expertise
to the growth of the church.

Upon Rev. Hayes’ retirement, Rev. William D. Tyree, III, served as Interim Pastor until he was called to the First Baptist Church, Berkley in Norfolk, Virginia in 1996.  We are so grateful to Rev. Tyree for his leadership during the interval between Rev. Hayes and the arrival of our second pastor.

In August 1996, the Reverend Eric D. Barksdale became the second Pastor of Saint Charles Baptist Church.  Some accomplishments of his tenure include:

  • Established Tithing as God’s program for giving
  • Christian Education Ministry
  • Youth Ministry
  • Deaf Ministry
  • Tape Ministry
  • Orientation Ministry
  • Youth Ensemble Choir
  • Sunday School Teacher Training
  • Deacon Ordination
  • Deaconess Ordination
  • Discipleship Training
  • Rev. Charles C. Hayes Scholarship Ministry
  • Computerization of Church Office
  • Transportation Ministry
  • Pastoral Care Ministry
  • Praise & Worship Ministry

God was truly blessing us, uniting us, and putting love in our heart.  He was bringing to our remembrance our “First Love”.  

In August 2006, again our church was hit by tragedy.  Mold had infested the interior of our foundation.  Deacon Freddie Young was appointed overseer of this project.  After the clean-up of the Mold Remediation, we went through the process of looking for the right person to complete the renovation.  

God always have a “Ram in the bush“.  He sent us L.D.S. Home Improvement Services, under the leadership of  Bishop Harvey L. Lewis to do this renovation.  After months of worshiping around the construction and cancellation of some annual dates, “Look Where The LORD has brought Us”.  Many thanks to Deacon Young for a “JOB WELL DONE”.

It is our prayer that we will continue to grow in grace, love, friendship and the spirit of cooperation, and that we will continue to serve God with sincerity.